Association for Christian Thoughtfulness

Youth Leadership Development

Empowering Young People


To build the capacity of young people to make right choices and be a role model for positive masculinity. Empowering young people to get involved in the church and the community. 

Dare to be Different

Being young is a synonym of change, progress and future. A young person is compelled to  face challenges and his  prerogative is to create or recreate a space for future full development. It means turning problems into opportunities and solutions and being the driving force of society. 

Global challenges, like the coronavirus pandemic as well as local issues, have had an effect on the young people aged 14 to 29 years who represent the largest generation in history. Youth are the most important and dynamic segment of the population in any country. We can undoubtedly say that today’s young are tomorrow’s innovators, creators, builders and leaders.

More young people than ever are experiencing mental health difficulties which affects all areas of their life: home, school, friendships and relationships. There remains a stigma surrounding mental health and it is important that young people understand where to go for support.

We support the youth in developing the ability to analyse their own strengths & weaknesses, set personal and vocational goals, and have the confidence, motivation, and abilities to carry them out to effect positive social change.

The training ACT provides has been an eye-opener to many young boys and girls in understanding their self- worth and not getting dragged into the miasma of poor self-esteem, bad choices, addictions resulting in confused and vulnerable youth. The training program is being conducted in schools, communities and after-care shelter homes where young people either study or reside so that they can “Dare to be Different”.

Youth Camp 2022

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